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Using the CLI

QuickerMD offers a simple CLI for using the program.

At any time, you can use the --help flag to discover any options available for any subcommand.

Basic Usage

Running a Config

To run a program, use the appropriately name command, run.

quicker_md run --help
quicker_md run py "print('Hello, this is cool!')"

# The basic format is
# quicker_md run <lang> <input>

You can also pipe commands!

echo "print('My cool script that echos!')" | quicker_md run py

A useful case for this is using input from files!


Make sure that you are aware of the contents of the file before using

Getting Your Template

To get your template, you can use the dump-template command

quicker_md dump-template --help

quicker_md dump-template py

# The basic format is
# quicker_md dump-template <lang>