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Default Config

QuickerMD's essentially allows for infinite customizability, as it allows for any language and code to be configured.


This example config has support for simple use cases for C, JavaScript, Rust, and Python. Feel free to use this as a preliminary config, and modify this as your workflow changes.

[langs.c] # Configuration for C, --lang c
command = ["gcc", "{{IN}}", "-o", "{{OUT}}"] 
comment = "// "
template ="""
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

int main() {

[langs.js] # Configuration for JavaScript, --lang js
command = ["node"] 
comment = "// "
redir_input = true

[] # Configuration for Python, --lang py
command = ["python"]
comment = "# "
redir_input = true

[] # Configuration for Powershell, --lang ps
command = ["pwsh", "-NoProfile", "-NonInteractive", "-Command", "{{INPUT}}"]
comment = "# "

[langs.rust] # Configuration for Rust, --lang rust
extension = "rs"
command = ["rustc", "{{IN}}", "-o", "{{OUT}}"]
comment = "// "
template = """
pub fn main() {

Try it with the following commands!

quicker_md run js "console.log('Hello, from QuickerMD!')" --show-input

Understanding Configuration

The config uses the toml format.

Each individual entry is composed of the following:

Key Required Default Description Example Documentation
[lang.{name}] True N/A Table that holds all the languages [lang.c] N/A
command True N/A Command to run command = ["gcc", "-o", "{{OUT}}", "{{IN}}"] Command
redir_input False False Whether to use input as stdin for command redir_input = true
command = ["node"]
Redirecting Input
template False None Template string for compiled languages See Example Config Templating
extension False {name} File extension to use if file on compiled language extension = "rs" File Extensions
run False True/{{OUT}} Whether to run a 'run' command after command, and optionally a command run = ["my_compiled_program", "Hello!" Running your Program